Coming to Cannabis

Microdosing, Mindfulness and Self Care Strategies to Help Struggling Moms Feel Better.

Becoming a mom was one of the greatest events of your life.
An opportunity to love a tiny, innocent piece of you unconditionally. A chance to help them navigate life and grow to be decent human beings. Baking cookies together every Sunday, giggling through the mess of flour and sugar. Making macaroni and popsicle stick crafts to send to relatives and put up on shelves. Having those Emmy worthy heart-to-hearts with the teenager struggling with emotions, finding a new level of friendship between the two of you.
But... That’s not fucking happening. And now you feel like this:

Is this how you imagined motherhood?
You’re drained, impatient, and lacking the grace you dreamed having as a mother. Your life as you know it right now seems like one never-ending chore. You’re wiping up spills, tears, and pee off the toilet seat. What’s your name again? Oh, that’s right, “Mom, mom, mom, mom, hey mom”. Who knew ears could get tired?! The last time you did something for yourself was when you took a shower alone, but your mind still raced with tasks and deadlines. Your attitude sucks, your routine sucks, and the relationship you have with yourself sucks.

Welcome to Coming to Cannabis
This course is designed by two Cannabis Coaches who are also moms who were tired of feeling shitty! We've combined helpful tools and techniques tailored to the busy mom-life, but with one secret ingredient: cannabis. We’re not trying to get you high (unless you want to),but with just the right amount of cannabis and the tricks we provide within the course, you’ll start feeling like yourself again. There’s more to cannabis than just getting stoned and we’ll show you exactly what this plant is all about and then some.

In just five short weeks you will:

  • Learn to use cannabis without feeling “high”
  • Understand how to microdose, when to dose and what to dose with confidence
  • Make simple, effective recipes that suit your lifestyle
  • Learn simple meditation techniques to relax and come back to YOURSELF
  • Set boundaries for your own self-care
  • Learn how to love yourself again in all that you do

Want more?

Wouldn't it be great if you had a couple of Cannabis Coaches to ask questions of, bounce ideas off and chat cannabis with as you go through the class? We've got you covered. During the time you're going through the lessons, you'll have email access to Jess and Andrea whenever you need. It's like having a Cannabis Coach in your pocket.


Enough is enough, mama.

You can’t keep this up much longer, we know because we've been there. If there’s anyone needing love and support right now, it’s you. There isn’t enough time in this life with your family to feel sub par. So stop waiting for things to get better, stop over-medicating, and stop feeling like a bad mom.

In five weeks you can be a cannabis ninja and a mom who feels SO MUCH BETTER. Join the class and change your life.

Your Instructor

Andrea Meharg and Jess Dacosta
Andrea Meharg and Jess Dacosta

Andrea Meharg and Jess DaCosta met in their Cannabis Coaching school and realized they both share the same passion: helping mamas feel better with the secret power of cannabis. Both women struggled severely with postpartum depression and anxiety and credit cannabis with helping them completely transform their lives. You can find Andrea at (Jess is offline!)

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I know NOTHING about cannabis and CBD? Will I understand everything you’re talking about?
Absolutely! We remember what it was like to be new to the cannabis and CBD world. Overwhelming is an understatement. Our goal at Coming to Cannabis is to take you from no knowledge to feeling confident in using this beautiful plant effectively.
Will I learn about using cannabis during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Yes! We have compiled the latest research to help you make informed, empowered choices.
I am NOT interested in smoking. Will this course still help me?
Yup! We're not huge fans of smoking joints either, so we'll show you many ways that you can use cannabis without it!
What if I live in a place where CBD or cannabis is illegal/prohibited?
All of our students must abide by their state/provincial/federal laws. If cannabis or CBD is illegal where you live, fight to change the rules. In the meantime, this course provides you with INFORMATION only and our goal is to empower you so you feel confident in knowing if CBD or cannabis is right for you. We are not aware of any laws that prohibit people from learning… so learn away.
When does the course start and finish?
The course begins whenever you're ready!. You'll get 5 weekly lessons. You can complete the lessons on your own time, at your own pace. You'll have access to ALL the course materials for the life of the class!
How long do I have access to the course materials?
They’re yours for life! That’s right, you’ll always have access to the videos, PDFs and recordings of our Q and A sessions.
What if I don’t love your course?
We really think you will. In fact, our goal is to completely WOW you so you’ll recommend the course to others. But if you’re not over-the-moon happy, just let us know within 3 days and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

Get started now!